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Home Automation with Control4

Control4 automation is an all-in-one solution that's capable of endless customization: Start with just a smart thermostat or just one room like a home theater. Expand throughout the home when time or budget allows. Your needs change throughout your life, and Control4 can grow with you

Control4, home automation, smart home
Control4, home automation, smart home, audio video
Control4, home automation, smart home, window shades, lighting

Home automation is the convergence of technology and convenience,allowing the digital devices that you use every day—TVs, audio equipment, lights, security panels, thermostats, and so on—to work together. By allowing everything in the house to work together, with the ability to control it all from one easy-to-use interface—whether it's a touch screen, remote control, keypad, or even your smartphone—your home suddenly and "automatically" becomes more comfortable, convenient and secure.
So what does this actually mean? Most often when your family sits down to enjoy a movie, it takes at least three or four remotes to actually get the movie playing. Then after the movie finally begins, you have to get up and turn off or dim the lights. With Control4 home automation, you only need one remote to do all of that. With a simple press of a button, all of the devices involved (TV or projector, Blu-ray player, media player, receiver) will all set themselves to the correct inputs and your lights will automatically dim to your desired level.
What happens if you forget to close your garage? Not a problem with home automation. You can access all of the devices in your home—including that neglected garage door—no matter where you are. Simply log in to your home from a computer, smartphone or tablet and close the garage door instantly. Turn your smartphone, tablet or laptop into the ultimate remote for your Control4 system.

Control4, home automation, smart home
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